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Family Blog

Stories Penned
By Our Family Members

From Tamara Mavasheva’s memories of Sister Frejo’s children

The second son in the family of Frejo and David Niyazov is Pinchas. He was born in 1927. Pinhas from childhood was a very agile and bright child. He was a loving brother, worried about his parents, sympathized with his mother’s illness. After his mother’s death, when he was 16 years old, he lived with our family. He helped Ruben, ran his errands. Later on. he got a job as a conductor on the railroad. At the age of 26, he met Mariya Kataeva, fell in love and married her. The wedding was held at our house. Maria is a beautiful,

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From the memoirs of daughter-in-law Faina Gulkarov.

In 1977, after graduating from technical school with a red diploma and taking permission from my parents, I came to Tashkent.
After graduating from technical school with a red diploma and taking permission from my parents, I came to Tashkent from Kokand to enroll in the Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Engineering and Construction.
Faculty of Engineering and Construction.

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From Tamara’s memoir.

…With the death of her husband came another misfortune. Reuben’s life savings were lost. A few days before he died, he had taken jewelry out of the house, some of it he gave away for sale, some he decided to hide with relatives and friends, because we were supposed to go to the resort. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to say to whom and where he took these things. After all during the years of socialism people were afraid to keep their savings in savings banks or at home, and so invested in jewelry. It was very dangerous to keep expensive jewelry at home, especially in the home of a merchant, was very dangerous. A year of mourning, a year of memorials purchase and installation of the monument, a year out of work – all took a toll on our budget.

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From the memoirs of Roza Gulkarova -Tamara and Ruben’s daughters

… 1959, at the age of 66 Grandma Husni died of a stroke. Dad was very upset about the loss.
We said goodbye to her, observing all the proper rites.
We remember her as a most beautiful person.
In 1961, at the end of July, on Shabbat as always, we had many guests from Dad’s and Mom’s side.
There was also a guest from Bukhara and his name was Aboi-Kovil. When the guests left, he came up to daddy and he said: “Ruben, how beautiful you live, everybody loves you your Tamarochka has set such rich tables.
“I’m very envious. Let me wear your kippah.”

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From the memories of Roza Gulkarova, daughter of Tamara and Ruben

Until the middle of 1955 we lived in Tashkent on Besh-Agach, Tambur dead end, house 5.
Then we moved to the 1st Teatralny proezd, house 15, where there were temporary houses and a big yard.
My parents hand in hand built a beautiful house, with two large rooms, a glazed terrace, a huge basement, a winter and summer kitchen, a bathroom with a toilet. It was rare to have such amenities for that time. There was a tandoor in the house, where our mom baked flatbread, samsa, tunuk, noni toki (national flour pastry).
Dad was kind and farsighted, he created all conditions for us. He loved mom and tried to do everything for her and her relatives. We had no distinction between dad’s and
Mom’s relatives, everyone was one friendly family.

A separate building was for our beautiful, intelligent, poised princess-Grandma Husni, who was looked after by Mommy and Daddy. Daddy not only built the house with splendid architectural taste, but also invited restorers from the museum, who worked long hours and made it beautifully decorated. The rooms were 3.80 meters high, the living room ceilings were carved wood, the mirrors were painted in burgundy tones with with golden hues. The floor had Indian-made carpeting. In the parlor stood piano, a large polished floor clock with a chiming beat and golden chains.
A beautiful sideboard, large floor vases made of Czech crystal and from China. The ceiling was decorated with a large crystal chandelier with candlesticks. The windows had German tulle and velvet curtains framed the doors. A large long table with an off-white embroidered, starched tablecloth stood in the middle of the room. Along the length of the room stretched a glass terrace with a beautifully painted floral ceiling.

Mom kept an immaculate, perfect cleanliness in the house. In this house. the parents, under Mom’s careful guidance, welcomed guests with love, joy and all the Jewish holidays. Before Passover, all the families and neighbors would gather at our house. for three or four days, baked matzah, the men kneaded the dough, and the women rolled and bake. The woman who baked was invited, my mother often replaced her. From the evening my mother cooked pilaf, soup, everyone ate, drank, laughed to the sound of music. On Passover everyone dressed in their best clothes and gathered at our house. Dad and his brother, Uncle Semyon, sat in the center in luxurious robes, leaning on snow-white cushions, and held the Passover seder. Mom would sing along with Dad in her mesmerizing voice. These traditions united all of us into one big and friendly family and continue from generation to generation.

Ruben’s parents: Uyno and Husni Gulkarov

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Memories of Tamara Mavasheva

…1945. The war was over. A new life began, in new postwar conditions and gradually came into its own. In 1944 I gave birth to a daughter, who in honor of my mother, we named her Rivka. In 1947 we gave birth to a son – Nikolai. It’s a strange sounding Russian name in a Jewish family. In the post-war years, anti-Semitism in the country intensified, more and more Jews were accused of all sins. The experience of the war years showed that many Jewish

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From Maria’s recollections

…I was 8 years old when my mother died on September 25, 1940. I was taken to neighbor so that I would not see the procedure of preparing for the burial. At the age of 8, like my sisters and brothers, I became an orphan. Until I was 8 years old, I lived with my brothers Shmuel, Raphael and my mother in one of the three rooms. In the other two lived brothers David and Abo with their wives and children.

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Obituaries and e-mails dedicated to the memory of mom -Tamara Mavasheva, which have not been published in print

Tamara Mavasheva was an outstanding woman of our immigration, who embodied the best of our people. Intelligent, educated, beautiful, intelligent, sensitive, generous, wise, benevolent woman, she lived a long,
eventful life, which was dedicated to the service of her family, care for her children, grandchildren, the Mavashevs’ and Gulkarovs’ avlot (family) and the whole community.

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The Last Picture

…On that third day in the hospital, there was no sign of trouble. In the morning in the morning, the nurses suggested that she use colored felt-tip pens to color a piece of paper of paper and a plastic, transparent bird figure. Mom used bright colors of the rainbow

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