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From Tamara Mavasheva’s memories of Sister Frejo’s children

The second son in the family of Frejo and David Niyazov is Pinchas. He was born in 1927. Pinhas from childhood was a very agile and bright child. He was a loving brother, worried about his parents, sympathized with his mother’s illness. After his mother’s death, when he was 16 years old, he lived with our family. He helped Ruben, ran his errands. Later on. he got a job as a conductor on the railroad. At the age of 26, he met Mariya Kataeva, fell in love and married her. The wedding was held at our house. Maria is a beautiful,

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Memories of Tamara Mavasheva

…1945. The war was over. A new life began, in new postwar conditions and gradually came into its own. In 1944 I gave birth to a daughter, who in honor of my mother, we named her Rivka. In 1947 we gave birth to a son – Nikolai. It’s a strange sounding Russian name in a Jewish family. In the post-war years, anti-Semitism in the country intensified, more and more Jews were accused of all sins. The experience of the war years showed that many Jewish

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Obituaries and e-mails dedicated to the memory of mom -Tamara Mavasheva, which have not been published in print

Tamara Mavasheva was an outstanding woman of our immigration, who embodied the best of our people. Intelligent, educated, beautiful, intelligent, sensitive, generous, wise, benevolent woman, she lived a long,
eventful life, which was dedicated to the service of her family, care for her children, grandchildren, the Mavashevs’ and Gulkarovs’ avlot (family) and the whole community.

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The Last Picture

…On that third day in the hospital, there was no sign of trouble. In the morning in the morning, the nurses suggested that she use colored felt-tip pens to color a piece of paper of paper and a plastic, transparent bird figure. Mom used bright colors of the rainbow

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